Published by: Belle Bridge Books
Pages: 284
Genre: Fiction, Paranormal/Mystery
Where and When:
Futuristic/Alternative 21st Century Atlanta, GA
Main Characters:
Dakota Frost ~ Skindancer, tatoo artist and magi/tat specialist who owns The Rogue Unicorn located in Little 5 Points, Atlanta's weird and wonderful shopping district.
"Jinx" Anderson ~ Wiccan teenager who can discern the truth between dangerous and not frightenly evil tatoo's a thin line to walk, but she can see it, even though she's almost perfectly blind.
Wulf ~ Handsome, but mysterious werewolf who needs Dakota's assistance...also in need, it seems, of a Nazi occultist magi-tatoo.
Spleen ~ Dakota's "ratty" cohort employee who frequents the underground and knows the ropes, 'though he's not the easiest person to have around.
Special Agent Philip Davidson ~ Federal investigator, one of many agents and law enforcement involved in the case at hand. Dakota finds him attractive in a New World Order government enforcement sort of way...
My Quick Hit:
Snappy, smart, snarky Dakota Frost, the skindancing tatoo artist of "Frost Moon" is a winner from the get-go in the first book of this series. I cannot wait to get my hands on the other novels as they flow off the press!
Stepping off the pages during an alternate, futuristic, late 21st c. Atlanta, Dakota is brought into and caught up in a murder, and sadistic torture investigation having to do with someone acting like a serial tatoo killer.
She may be a Skindancing magi-tat artist who has strange friends and is a card-carrying "Edgeworlder" but she's no torturer, and doesn't suffer those types easily.
Dakota agrees to help the police and special agents find out who is. She's serious in her pursuits, and she enlists the help of some very exotic friends and friends of friends to help her.
Amidst werewolves, vampires, witches, magical weavers of all sorts and some New World Order government forces, Dakota puts her life on the line to find out who has killed and maimed 12 people...all with skindancing/magical tatoos. And, since all indicators point to her being next on the creep's list around the time of the next full moon, Dakota and friends need to be quick about discovering who and why these killings are taking place.
Who'd have ever thought I'd be reading this genre? I took a chance on a wild-haired day, and I'm so glad I did. Great writing, great book!
Final note :
This is a series. I'm so psyched. Dr. Francis is an able writer who kept me flipping pages with such joy. I felt like I could do a marathon of his books. His newest one:
5 howling at the moon stars
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