I've been reading like a ravenous pup these last few weeks, and there seems to be no end to it in sight. Sometimes I just have this binge of books hit me and I'm on a run of reading that can't be saited. Thus, the following books in my immediate stack:
I've just begun this book, and it's awesome! I love the writing, and the theme which is young American girls whose wealthy families are primed to find titled husbands to pad the family name. Set in the 1893 in Newport, Rhode Island. Very fast moving!
So looking forward to this one... Isn't the cover interesting and a visual "grabber?"
A new YA fiction ~ time travel with trips back to the Guilded Age of New York City. Can't wait to start this one. Beautiful cover, again!
Oh, dear, the children are coming home...with the grandkids! I'm about the age to appreciate this one. Can't wait to find out how the mom/grammie handles it. I only have a villa w/ 3 bedrooms in FL... sorry! :]
Well, here's a sort of cheater. I've read nearly all of this one, but have to come to the end of it. It's a YA mystery/horror that's so loveable!
That's The Dame's Reading List... Just add your blog in my comments area, and I'll stop by to see what you're reading!
The Bookish Dame/Deborah
P.S.: I'm very disappointed and shocked at the recent verdict in the Casey Anthony murder trial. It only remains to be said that sweet Caylee did not get justice on this earth, but she is in the arms of God and has her everlasting beautiful life. She would probably forgive her mother out of the purity of her heart.
I believe it when God says, "Vengence is Mine." We may not know the end of this story for a while...
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