The link below will take you to a fascinating interview with author Jonathan Franzen. I've been following his talks all over the place regarding his new book, "Freedom."
Once you get through the first, primary interview, you will see a list of others you can watch. Click on the one regarding his ideas about writing.
The interesting thing to me about this particular interview is that Franzen doesn't have his own notes or pre-written text to use, and he's in a foreign country. The combination of not being able to look at the words of what he thinks, and not being sure how his words are being translated to the mind of the interviewer and to his audience through an interpreter, seems to make him more pensive and more introspective. Therefore, I believe we are seeing a simpler, more clarified version of him. This seems to be Jonathan Franzen "distilled."
It's a remarkable study of him and of his ideas about writing. Writers are amazing creative geniuses. Like artists who are painters, I want to study them and their works as if under a microscope. Something in the make up of an art historian and a bibliophile/researcher such as I am, makes me this way. I could spend hours... Is this the same curiosity that draws me to forensics??? Oh, no!
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Please let me know what you think once you've seen the video. I'm so curious, and look forward to having some dialog with some of you, which I will post on my blog.
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